Land of 110.000 sqm at 40 km from Siracusa, possible to expand
- Country and City / Town:
- Italy
- Palazzolo Acreide
- Property Type: Land
- Categories:
- Building ground
- Estate
- Investment
- Investment property
- Price:
- EUR 370.000
- (CHF 349.262)
- (CZK 9.324.396)
- (GBP 309.193)
- (HRK 2.829.316)
- (HUF 150.887.084)
- (JPY 59.505.559)
- (NOK 4.339.971)
- (RUB 37.791.274)
- (SEK 4.254.511)
- (TRY 13.681.631)
- (USD 383.400)
- Object ID: 1656
Sale of a plot of land of 110.0000 sqm with building in the territory of Palazzolo Acreide, place of many tourist interest of South-East Sicily, at 45 km from Siracusa, it is also part of Iblei district, and it is a few km from the Natural Reserve of Pantalica, Vendicari and Noto.