Possible uses as a surgical center, sanatorium, medical center, hotel, school, office
- Country and City / Town:
- Bulgaria
- Sofia
- Property Type: Special real estate
- Categories:
- Business building
- Hotel
- Industry / Commerce
- Investment
- Investment property
- Mixed-use property
- Office building / Operational facility
- Price:
- EUR 3.000.000
- (CHF 2.831.853)
- (CZK 75.603.213)
- (GBP 2.506.971)
- (HRK 22.940.400)
- (HUF 1.223.408.787)
- (JPY 482.477.505)
- (NOK 35.188.950)
- (RUB 306.415.737)
- (SEK 34.496.034)
- (TRY 110.932.146)
- (USD 3.108.645)
- Object ID: 1855
Please do not hesitate to ask if you require any more details.
- Parking:
- Garage
- Parking space
- Outdoor area / Exterior: Balcony
- Furnished: Not furnished
- Air condition: Fully air-conditioned
- Other furnishing / appointments: Cellar / Basement
- Condition: Newly built
- Heating system: Central heating
- Type of supply / energy:
- Water connection
- Electricity connection