Available for sale: a private airport, only 5 years old complete with permits
- Country and City / Town:
- Property Type: Special real estate
- Categories:
- Industry / Commerce
- Investment
- Investment property
- Price:
- EUR 2.500.000
- (CHF 2.348.918)
- (CZK 62.650.558)
- (GBP 2.097.025)
- (HRK 18.372.753)
- (HUF 1.032.514.103)
- (JPY 404.291.653)
- (NOK 29.352.463)
- (RUB 260.627.215)
- (SEK 28.701.135)
- (TRY 90.717.580)
- (USD 2.561.410)
- Object ID: 1856
We are unfortunately unable to publish any further details about this property online.Please do not hesitate to ask if you require any more details.
- Parking: Parking space
- Furnished: Partially furnished
- Condition: In mint condition